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Am Ch Aliyabel's Pride of White Magic
MBISS MBIS Am Ch White Magic's Rock Star (Jasper)
Am Ch White Magic's Sheera Sherie
Am Ch White Magic's Super Star of Zima
Am/Can/Eng/Int Ch Rexann's Vintage Stock CGC
Am Ch White Magic's Shalamar Sherie CGC
Am Ch White Magic's Sheera Sherie
Can/Am Ch Summerhill's Master of Illusion (Chico)
Am Ch Trilogy Blame It on El Nino
Ch Trilogy Snoblazer Summerhill (USA)
Am Ch Trilogy Yukona Icona
Ch Summerhills Club Soda on Ice
Can/Am Ch Summerhill's Dr Zhivago
Summerhill Antique Lace
Iceway's Seaview Breeze
Snowstar's Icy Gourmet Treat
Can/Am Ch Shebaska's Classic Charmer
MBISS BIS Can/Am Ch Vanderbilt's Playing it Cool (Fonzie)
BISS BIS Can Am Ch Vanderbilt's Plays the Field
Can CH and CFC CH. Dushanbe's Make Mine Cool Mint CGN RN (Tennyson)
BISS BIS Can Am Ch Vanderbilt's Warpaint ROMC
Can Ch Vanderbilt's Paint Me Pretenious ROMC (Tenny)
Can Ch Vanderbilt's Hell or High Water
Snowstar's Hot Tamales (Sizzle)
Ch Orion's Bud Light of Polar Mist (USA)
Ch Bluestorm El Nino of Alexann
Ch Polar Mist Bluestorm Electra (USA)
Mulit-BIS, Multi-BPIS, Can/Am Ch Snowstar Ladakha Summer Songs (Libby)
Can Ch Risuko's Amorak at Katimavik (USA)
Can Ch Ladakha's Summer Sonnet (Song)
Ladakha's Pralines'N Cream